Purdue University, 2016.
Oregon State University, 2010.
Upcoming Talks
17 April 2020. (with Catherine Kendig) “Growing Knowledge: Epistemic Objects in Agricultural Extension Work.” Virtual colloquium, Doing Science in a Pluralistic Society.
July 2021. “Multiscale Modeling of Nanoscale Alloys: When Scale Separation Fails.” Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice, Michigan State University
Past Presentations
Slides for most presentations available upon request.
2020. “Scale Separation, Scale Dependence, and Multiscale Modeling.” University of Tennessee Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series. Knoxville, TN.
2019. “Matters of Scale and Scales of Matter: Conceptual Challenges in Multiscale Modeling of Nanomaterials.” University of Cincinnati Department of Philosophy Seminar Series. Cincinnati, OH.
2019. “Philosophy for Applied Science: Using Philosophy of Science in Nanoscience and Agricultural Science.” University of Kentucky Department of Plant Pathology Seminar Series. Lexington, KY
2019. “Scale Separation, Scale-Dependence, and Multiscale Modeling in the Physical Sciences: A Tour Through Philosophical Issues in Nanoscience.” International Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science and Technology. Prague, CZ.
2019. “Scale Separation, Scale-Dependence, and Multiscale Modeling in the Physical Sciences.” American Philosophical Association–Pacific Division Meeting. Vancouver, BC.
2019. “Scale Separation, Scale-Dependence, and Multiscale Modeling in the Physical Sciences.” South Carolina Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series. Columbia, SC.
2018. “Nucleation as Universal Behavior.” Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting. Seattle, WA.
2018. “Against the Hierarchical View of Theories.” Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice Biennial Meeting. Ghent, BE.
2018. “Promoting Cognitive Conflict in Health Care Ethics.” International Conference on the Learning Sciences. London, UK.
2018. “Classification in Nanoscience and Synthetic Biology.” TU–Darmstadt CompuGene Summer School. Darmstadt, DE.
2018. “Inter-Theory Relations and Shape Memory Alloys.” Second Georgetown Active Materials Project Summer School. Washington, DC.
2018. “Philosophical Issues in Nanoscience.” Centre College Seminar in Physics and Philosophy. Danville, KY.
2018. “Philosophical Issues in Condensed Matter Physics.” University of Kentucky Department of Physics Seminar Series. Lexington, KY.
2018. “Conceptual Concerns for Nanoscience.” Mid-South Philosophy of Science Workshop. Lexington, KY.
2018. “Against the Hierarchical View of Theories.” Models and Simulations 8. Columbia, SC.
2017. "Nanoscale Materials and Active Materials." Georgetown Summer School on Active Materials. Washington, DC.
2017. "Philosophical Issues in Modeling Nanoscale Systems." University of Kentucky Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering Seminar Series. Lexington, KY.
2017. "Conceptual Analysis and Chemical Information." American Chemical Society National Meeting–Chemical Information Division. San Francisco, CA.
2017. "Multi-Scale Modeling and Inter-Theory Relations." CompuGene Winter School on Multi-Scale Modeling. Darmstadt, Germany.
2016. "Multi-Scale Modeling in Nanoscience." "Multi-Scale Modeling Across the Sciences" Symposium, Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
2016. "Multi-Scale Modeling in Nanoscience." Boston University Colloquium on Methodological Issues in Multi-Scale Modeling, Boston Center for the Philosophy and History of Science. Boston, MA.
2016. "Multi-Scale Modeling: Beyond Non-Mereological Relations." Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice Biennial Meeting. Glassboro, NJ.
2016. "Unnatural Kinds" Conference, San Francisco State University. San Francisco, CA. Video of all conference talks available here.
2016. "Multi-Scale Modeling: Beyond Non-Mereological Relations." Southern California Philosophy of Physics Workshop. Irvine, CA.
2016. "The Epistemology of Boundary Conditions: Between Necessity and Happenstance." UC–Irvine Logic and Philosophy of Science Colloquium. Irvine, CA.
2016. "Reconciling Physical and Biological Metaphysics of Structure." Comments on Ken Waters, "How Science Can Inform Metaphysics: Insights from Biological Practice." American Philosophical Association–Pacific Division Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
2016. "Boundary Work: Collaboration Between Philosophy and Science and Nanoscience." Purdue Lectures in Ethics, Policy, and Science. West Lafayette, IN.
2016. "Surface Tension." University of Washington Philosophy Department Colloquium Series. Seattle, WA.
2015. "Multi-Scale Modeling: Beyond Anti-Mereological Relations." Bay Area Philosophy of Science Colloquium. UC–Davis.
2015. "Boundary Work: Philosophy Meets Nanoscience." Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice Biennial Conference. Aarhus, Denmark.
2015. "Philosophy of Science as Scientific Problem-Solving." SPSP Pre-Conference Workshop on Teaching Philosophy of Science to Scientists. Aarhus, Denmark.
2015. "Surface Tension." Irvine–Pittsburgh–Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Physics. Princeton, NJ.
2015. "Challenges to Philosophy of Science from Nanoscience." John Templeton Foundation Reduction and Emergence in Physics Project, Workshop on Multi-Scale Modeling, Pittsburgh, PA.
2015. "Surface Tension." University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign Colloquium Series, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
2015. "Surface Tension." San Francisco State University Colloquium Series, San Francisco, CA.
2015. "Surface Tension." University of Kentucky Colloquium Series, Lexington, KY.
2014. "Surface Tension: Scale and Conceptual Change in Philosophy of Nanoscience." Chemical Structure Symposium (org. Michael Weisberg), Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Chicago, IL.
2014. "Boundary Work: Nanoscience Meets Philosophy at Material Surfaces." History of Interdisciplinarity Symposium (org. Hanne Andersen), History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
2014. "The Structure–Property Paradigm in Chemistry and Nanoscience." Structure in Chemistry and Physics Workshop Series, Durham, England.
2014. "Surface Tension: How Nanoscience Challenges Traditional Theories of Explanation." International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry Annual Meeting, London, England.
2014. "Surface Tensions." Carnegie Mellon University Department of Philosophy Colloquium, Pittsburgh, PA.
2013. "Epistemology and the Synthetic: Lessons from Nanosynthesis," Methods for Making symposium at 4th Biennial Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.
2013. "Toward a Philosophy of Synthetic Science." Rice University Cultural Studies of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine Lecture Series, Houston, TX.
2012. "Reconsidering Explanation: Lessons from Nanosynthesis." Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA.
2012. "Nanosurfaces: How Scale Can Shape Structure and Behavior." Structure in Chemistry Workshop Series, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA.
2011 "Bonding in Hypervalent Molecules." Is There a Nature of the Chemical Bond? symposium at European Philosophy of Science Association conference, Athens, Greece.
2011. "Studies in Chemical Explanation: Structure and Synthesis." 3rd Biennial Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice Meeting, Exeter, England.
2010. "Whence the Defense of the Banana Bond?" History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Montréal, QC, Canada.
2010. "How Pauling Bent the Double Bond." Special Collections Resident Scholar Lecture Series, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
2010. "Characterizing Explanations of Chemical Bonds." Models and Simulations 4, Toronto, ON, Canada.